FirCaps: The Mystery Of The Evergreen Forest
The FirCap is a rare, secluded species, which has managed to evade the gaze of man for quite some time. They are known in some native american legends as Azban, or "robber of nests", and only a few hundred are suspected to be alive in the wild today. While they are smart, careful creatures, they are still suspected to fall prey to hawks, coyotes, cougars, lynx, and other large predatory animals. Fur trapping in the early 1800's is suspected to have driven their already dwindling numbers down into double digits, and it's very likely that accidental run-ins with motorists and human settlements pose a considerable threat to the FirCap as well. You may read about this unique creature below, and if you have had any FirCap encounters, please submit them to us & we shall investigate & publish them post-haste.
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